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[HKIP-YPG, HKIEGD-YGC & ACEHK-YMC] "From Nature's Depths to Urban Heights: Shaping Hong Kong's Future through Rock Cavern Development - Joint Young Professional’s Think Deep Workshop 2023"

You are cordially invited to join the upcoming signature event:

From Nature's Depths to Urban Heights:

Shaping Hong Kong's Future through Rock Cavern Development -

Joint Young Professional’s Think Deep Workshop 2023

which is jointly organised by

  • The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Geotechnical Division Young Geotechnical Club (HKIEGD YGC),

  • The Association of Consulting Engineers Young Members Committee (ACEHK YMC), and

  • The Hong Kong Institute of Planners Young Planners Group (HKIP YPG).

Since the launch of the Cavern Master Plan in 2017, rock caverns have become a vital choice for public works. They offer diverse possibilities, such as being used for service reservoirs, material testing labs, and archives centres. Internationally, places like Scandinavia have already been exploring and building cavern facilities like hotels, stadiums, and museums. Looking ahead, Hong Kong envisions the potential for commercial developments in rock cavern spaces, presenting new development opportunities and possibilities.

The Workshop aims to provide a platform for students, graduates, and young professionals in the engineering / geology / urban planning or other relevant disciplines to enhance their understanding of the principles and current policies regarding rock cavern development. It encourages participants to explore their creativity in devising innovative and insightful ideas for utilising cavern space for commercial development in Hong Kong. The Workshop also serves as a lead-up event to the coming ITACUS-ISOCARP Young Professional’s Think Deep Programme, which will be held in 2024.

For more details, please refer to the key information below and the attached flyer:

Key information:

Date: 28 October 2023 (Saturday)

Time: 09:30 - 17:45 (equivalent to a 6-hour CPD event)

Venue: 3/F Multi-purpose Hall, City Gallery, 3 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong

Capacity: 30 - 40 participants

Use of Language:English


The Workshop is open to:

1. Graduate engineers / geologists / planners;

2. Young professionals with less than 8 years of post-graduation work experience; and

3. Undergraduate or postgraduate students in the engineering / geology / urban planning or other relevant disciplines

Theme: Commercial development utilising the rock cavern option


6 to 8 participants will form a team and work together in:

  • Brainstorming and detailed planning & design sessions

  • Presentation and forum


Each member of the Champion team will enjoy a $500 cash prize, together with secured participation in the coming ITACUS-ISOCARP Young Professional’s Think Deep Programme, which will be held in 2024.

Each member of the Runner-up team will enjoy a $300 cash prize.

Each member of the Best Forum Participation team will enjoy a $200 cash prize.


1. Topic and detailed instructions will be given on the day of the Workshop.

2. There are facilitators who are experienced professionals from the engineering, geology, and urban planning industries for the brainstorming sessions.

3. Prior preparation is not required. However, there is a briefing session via ZOOM on 25 October 2023 (Wed) from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. Some guidelines and reference materials will be distributed before the day of the Workshop.

For registration, please refer to the QR code on the flyer or directly click on this link:

The deadline for registration is 23 October 2023 (Monday) 23:59. Successful applicants will be informed the day after the registration deadline.

We look forward to seeing you in the Workshop! Should you have any inquiries about the Workshop, please feel free to send us an email to,, or

Organising Committee for

Joint Young Professional’s Think Deep Workshop 2023 by