深圳片區開發及低空經濟分享會 (Sharing session: Shenzhen Large-scale Land Disposal and Low-Altitude Economy Development) - 19.12.2024 (星期四 Thursday)
日期 (Date) :19.12.2024 (星期四 Thursday)
時間 (Time): 14:00 – 15:30
主講嘉賓 (Guest Speakers):
The China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD)
方煜 中国城市规划设计研究院粤港澳研究中心主任
Director of CAUPD
戴继锋 深圳分院副院长 Deputy Director of CAUPD DAI Ji-feng
語言 (Language): 普通話 Mandarin
網上連結 (Weblink):
會議Meeting ID: 89998519904
密碼 Password: 115872
HKIP-YPG Technical Visit to Green Hub 20 April 2024 (Saturday)
A sustainable, low-carbon lifestyle is crucial to our future. By reducing our carbon footprint and embracing sustainable practices, we can mitigate climate change, protect ecosystems, and secure a healthier and more prosperous world for generations to come.
To embrace nature-based and low-carbon lifestyles in planners’ works for making a better city with urban-rural-nature integration, HKIP-YPG gladly presents a technical visit to Green Hub in Tai Po for those who are interested in a lifestyle in tune with nature and with the local community. The guided tour by the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden would show participants the key architectural features and ecological points of interest at Green Hub, and narrate the story of the Old Tai Po Police Station, to appreciate the beauty of the captivating declared monument and one-of-a-kind sustainable lifestyle.
The details of the technical visit are as follows:
Date: 20 April 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00-15:00
Assembly Point: Green Hub (11 Wan Tau Kok Lane, Tai Po)
Language: Cantonese
Quota: 26
Fee: Free of charge (HKIP members only)
For registration, please fill in the form at https://forms.gle/t7uZh3HNyDU9s3bj6 by 17 April 2024 (Wednesday). Places would be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, and priority will be given to young members.
If you have any questions, please send an email to ypg@hkip.org.hk.
HKIP ETC “The Hong Kong Story” Series - Fifth Seminar: "Culture, Heritage & History: The Happy Valley & Landscapes Lost and Found" by Dr. Ken Nicolson (14 March 2024)
The Education and Training Committee is pleased to invite you to join the 'Hong Kong Story' series seminar on "Culture, Heritage & History: The Happy Valley & Landscapes Lost and Found", presented by Dr. Ken Nicholson, adjunct associate professor in the University of Hong Kong, and part-time tutor in the University of Edinburgh. Full details of the seminar are in the attached flyer.
The seminar will cover two parts. Dr. Nicolson will first trace the development of the Hong Kong Cemetery in Happy Valley and interpret the dynamic inter-relationship between the built and natural heritage elements that comprise this wonderful cultural landscape. In the second part, Dr. Nicholson will examine why some historical sites were lost and others saved by comparing different heritage landscapes including Tiger Balm Garden, Dragon Garden, Ping Shan and Fanling Wai Village, before concluding with some insights into the role of planners in improving heritage cultural landscapes of Hong Kong.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Nicolson has lived in Hong Kong since 1984 and has worked on a wide variety of landscape design, planning and environmental impact studies throughout South-East Asia. He introduced a new approach to interpreting and conserving heritage sites back in 2000 and has published three books (The Happy Valley, Landscapes Lost and Found and Water Driven) which are considered essential reading for local scholars and students of cultural landscape interpretation, conservation and management. He has won numerous awards, including the 2006 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award for Culture Heritage Conservation. He is currently an adjunct associate professor with The University of Hong Kong and part-time tutor with the College of Art, Edinburgh University.
Details of the Event:
Date: 14 March 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (1.5 CPD hours)
Venue: HKIP Office (Unit 201, 2/F, Prosperity Millennia Plaza, 663 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong)
Language: English
For registration, please sign up via this Google Form:
HKIP Education and Training Committee
27 February 2024 (Tuesday): two-part seminar series featuring 'Planning Healthy City' in January and February of 2024
Both seminars will be conducted in English and free of charges. Please indicate if you would join the seminars in person or online via Zoom.
For registration, please visit the following link: https://forms.gle/Nv3SqHDx6WGhQL2R7
Registration is accepted on a first-come-first-served basis by 22 Feb 2024 (Thursday). Successful registrants will be notified individually by email with related link(s) before the seminars.
Future City Vision - Northern Metropolis Cultural Heritage Walk : Tsung Pak Long / Ho Sheung Heung (3 Feb 2024, Sat)
Tour registration details are available at https://www.hkia.net/en/whats-on.html?id=10117.
Technical Visits to Yuen Long Bypass Floodway and Kai Tak River (“Encounter with Rivers”) (27 Jan 2024, Sat)
Climate change has brought several extreme weather events, including heavy rainfalls and floods in 2023. Urban flood management including drainage and natural river systems, takes more important roles in increasing resilience to floods.
To enhance planners’ understanding of flood prevention works and river design for enhancing ecology and flood resilience, HKIP-YPG is glad to arrange technical visits to Yuen Long Bypass Floodway and Kai Tak River, which are excellent examples for relieving the flood risks in adjacent areas while incorporating eco-friendly, natural-based and ecological elements in river improvement works. In these visits, guided tours by Green Power and Drainage Services Department will allow participants to better understand urban flood management and the relationship between flood resilience and ecology.
The details of the technical visits are as follows:
Visit 1: Yuen Long Bypass Floodway
Date: 27 January 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00-16:30
Meeting Point: Kam Sheung Road MTR Station
Language: Mainly in Cantonese
Quota: 20
Fee: $65 (For coach bus throughout the visit) (HKIP members only)
Visit 2: Kai Tak River
Date: 3 February 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00-11:30
Meeting Point: Lok Sin Road/Choi Hung Road Sitting-out Area
Language: Mainly in Cantonese
Quota: 25
Fee: Free of charge (HKIP members only)
For more information on the guided tours, you may visit https://www.greenpower.org.hk/en/encounter-with-rivers-public-guided-tours. If you are interested in the technical visits, please register at https://forms.gle/J8yHTcp9H4s1ievs7 on or before 24 January 2024 (Wednesday).
Places would be allocated such that each person could join at least one of the visits and on a first-come-first-served basis; priority will be given to young members. Should you have any queries, please contact us at ypg.hkip@gmail.com.
Young Planners Group
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners
HKIP Education and Training Committee Healthy City Series: Technical Visit to the Jockey Club Healthy Neighbourhood Kitchen Project (27 January 2024)
The Education and Training Committee is pleased to invite you to the technical visit on the Jockey Club Healthy Neighbourhood Kitchen Project, which is co-organised by the Caritas Hong Kong and Health In Action in Sai Ying Pun.
We are honoured to have Dr. Fan Ling, Founder of the Health In Action, to share with us about the objectives and services provided in this Neighbourhood Kitchen Project, and how the combination of the community, social workers and medical team can create a “second home” to the families in subdivided unit. For further details, please refer to the website links below:
Website link to Health In Action
Website link to Cartias Hong Kong
Details of the Event
Date:27 January 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Venue: Shop 2 & Shop 6, Ground Floor, Wai Wah Commercial Centre, 6 Wilmer Street, Sai Ying Pun
Quota:30 persons
For registration, please sign up via the Google Form:
Confirmation email will be sent to successful applicants. We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Best Regards,
HKIP Education and Training Committee
HKIS PDD + HKIP Joint Drinks Gathering (25 Jan 2024)
If you are interested, please email to hkip (info@hkip.org.hk) by 20 January 2024.
HKIS PDD + HKIP Joint Drinks Gathering
Event Date : 2024-01-25
Event Time : 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Registration Closing Date : 2024-01-21
Venue : Bar Pacific (TST) - G/F, 2 Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui
Organizer : Planning & Development Division
Fee : HK$250 for HKIS or HKIP full member, HK$200 for Probationer and Student, HK$350 for non-member
Priority : Quota 30 ; Priority to PDD, First-come-first-served basis
Language : Cantonese
Details : 2 drinks included
Remarks :
For HKIP registers, you may register through HKIP office for the payment directly.
First-come-first-served. Walk-in is not available.
Successful registrants will receive an email confirmation.
All participating members shall arrange their own transport to the venue.
Once the reservation is made, the reservation fee is non-refundable.
Urban Planning through a Global Lens #2 — Young Planners’ Recounting of an Urban Dialogue with Singapore
YPG is excited to hold the second experience-sharing session for the “Urban Planning through a Global Lens” series, where planners are invited to share their global encounters and inspiration with us!
We are delighted to invite you to a captivating sharing session that will shed light on the latest urban planning trends and challenges faced by two vibrant cities: Hong Kong and Singapore. Two young planners, Ms. Samantha Chuang and Mr. Ryan Chan, will share their insights during the delegation trip of the HKIP and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors to attend the award presentation ceremony of Singapore Institute of Planners (SIP) Planning Awards 2023 - Joint Award by SIP & HKIP for Excellence in Planning.
During the trip, the delegation had the privilege of visiting several notable organisations of public and private sectors in Singapore, including the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and the Singapore office of AECOM and Colliers. Additionally, the HKIP delegation was engaged in discussions with Dr. Liu Thai Ker, who is hailed as the “Father of Urban Planning of Singapore”, and the SIP, where they gained valuable insights into impressive planning strategies, initiatives and projects in Singapore.
In this event, the speakers will be sharing on the topic “Planning for Evolving Needs and Common Challenges in Hong Kong and Singapore”, with a focus on planning for post-pandemic flexibility, environmental resilience, the blend of old and new, as well as integrated economic and physical planning.
Event Details
Date: 18 January 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 19:00 – 20:30
Venue: HKIP Office / Online via Zoom
For registration, please sign up via the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/HHmahNfrFccWYLtm6
Registration deadline: 15 January 2024
Seats at HKIP Office will be reserved on a first-come-first served basis. For enquiry, please contact ypg@hkip.org.hk.
Thank you!
[HKIP-YPG, HKIEGD-YGC & ACEHK-YMC] "From Nature's Depths to Urban Heights: Shaping Hong Kong's Future through Rock Cavern Development - Joint Young Professional’s Think Deep Workshop 2023"
You are cordially invited to join the upcoming signature event:
From Nature's Depths to Urban Heights:
Shaping Hong Kong's Future through Rock Cavern Development -
Joint Young Professional’s Think Deep Workshop 2023
which is jointly organised by
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Geotechnical Division Young Geotechnical Club (HKIEGD YGC),
The Association of Consulting Engineers Young Members Committee (ACEHK YMC), and
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners Young Planners Group (HKIP YPG).
Since the launch of the Cavern Master Plan in 2017, rock caverns have become a vital choice for public works. They offer diverse possibilities, such as being used for service reservoirs, material testing labs, and archives centres. Internationally, places like Scandinavia have already been exploring and building cavern facilities like hotels, stadiums, and museums. Looking ahead, Hong Kong envisions the potential for commercial developments in rock cavern spaces, presenting new development opportunities and possibilities.
The Workshop aims to provide a platform for students, graduates, and young professionals in the engineering / geology / urban planning or other relevant disciplines to enhance their understanding of the principles and current policies regarding rock cavern development. It encourages participants to explore their creativity in devising innovative and insightful ideas for utilising cavern space for commercial development in Hong Kong. The Workshop also serves as a lead-up event to the coming ITACUS-ISOCARP Young Professional’s Think Deep Programme, which will be held in 2024.
For more details, please refer to the key information below and the attached flyer:
Key information:
Date: 28 October 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 09:30 - 17:45 (equivalent to a 6-hour CPD event)
Venue: 3/F Multi-purpose Hall, City Gallery, 3 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong
Capacity: 30 - 40 participants
Use of Language:English
The Workshop is open to:
1. Graduate engineers / geologists / planners;
2. Young professionals with less than 8 years of post-graduation work experience; and
3. Undergraduate or postgraduate students in the engineering / geology / urban planning or other relevant disciplines
Theme: Commercial development utilising the rock cavern option
6 to 8 participants will form a team and work together in:
Brainstorming and detailed planning & design sessions
Presentation and forum
Each member of the Champion team will enjoy a $500 cash prize, together with secured participation in the coming ITACUS-ISOCARP Young Professional’s Think Deep Programme, which will be held in 2024.
Each member of the Runner-up team will enjoy a $300 cash prize.
Each member of the Best Forum Participation team will enjoy a $200 cash prize.
1. Topic and detailed instructions will be given on the day of the Workshop.
2. There are facilitators who are experienced professionals from the engineering, geology, and urban planning industries for the brainstorming sessions.
3. Prior preparation is not required. However, there is a briefing session via ZOOM on 25 October 2023 (Wed) from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. Some guidelines and reference materials will be distributed before the day of the Workshop.
For registration, please refer to the QR code on the flyer or directly click on this link:
The deadline for registration is 23 October 2023 (Monday) 23:59. Successful applicants will be informed the day after the registration deadline.
We look forward to seeing you in the Workshop! Should you have any inquiries about the Workshop, please feel free to send us an email to hkiegd.ygc@gmail.com, acehk.ymc@gmail.com, or ypg.hkip@gmail.com.
Organising Committee for
Joint Young Professional’s Think Deep Workshop 2023 by
7th SIP Planning Awards E-Seminar Series - Series 05
Excellence in Planning for the Environmental Resiliency Category
Gold Award - Ecological Planning for Nenjiangwan Wetland Park in Da"an City Jilin Province China By SCP Consultants Pte Ltd
Excellence in Planning for Community Engagement & Social Inclusiveness Category
Gold Award - Kigali City Master Plan Review, Rwanda By Surbana Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Excellence in Planning, Driven by Innovative Urban Solutions & Technology Category
Gold Award - HDB Smart Hub – Transforming Singapore’s Public Housing into Estates that Learn By HDB -Building & Research Institute
7th SIP Planning Awards E-Seminar Series - Series 04
Excellence in Urban Design, Placemaking & Public Space Category
Gold Award - Detailed urban space planning of old city renewal group in Yingping District, China By School of Architecture, Huaqiao University
Excellence in Urban Design, Heritage & Conservation Category
Gold Award - Conceptual Master Plan for the Beijing - Zhangjiakou Railway Heritage Park By China Architecture Design and Research Group
Gold Award - The Revival of RED FLAG Porcelain Factory By China Architecture Design and Research Group
Outstanding Student Project Category
Bronze Award - Arboreal City By Zhang Jinna, Yang Yihui, Wang Xinyi, Tsubasa Nakanishi
7th SIP Planning Awards E-Seminar Series - Series 03
Excellence in Planning < & up to 500 Ha Category
Gold Award - Seletar Aerospace Park Master Plan By JTC Corporation
Silver Award - Back to the Water Town Dreamland - Baidian Xibo District Plan By SCP Consultants Pte Ltd
Bronze Award - Orchard Road Rejuvenation Study By Cistri Pte Ltd
Outstanding Student Project Category
Silver Award - Experience by the Bay By NUS MUP Students - Group 4
7th SIP Planning Awards E-Seminar Series - Series 02
Excellence in Planning > 500 Ha & up to 5000 Ha Category
Gold Award - Tengah Master Planning By Housing & Development Board
Silver Award - The Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Wenzhou Eastern New City By RSP Architects Planners and Engineers Pte Ltd
Bronze Award - Walini TOD Master Plan 2035, Indonesia by Surbana Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Outstanding Student Project Category
Gold Award - Simpang Symbiosis - Urban Planning for Simpang By SS4 group - Wang Jing, Gu Qianhua, Robin Alviedo,Athira Radhakrishnan, Wong Yi Suen, Wang Shiyu
7th SIP Planning Awards E-Seminar Series - Series 01
Excellence in Planning > 5000 Ha Category
Gold Award - Kigali City Master Plan Review, Rwanda By Surbana Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd
Silver Award - A Highly Interactive & Innovative Districts, Vietnam By Sasaki enCity Urban Solutions Pte Ltd
Bronze Award - The Spatial Development Strategic Planning (Conceptual) of Yuzhong Ecological Innovation City, China By RSP Architects Planners & Engineers Pte Ltd
SIP Planning Awards Seminar Series from 17 Sep to 8 Oct
Please visit SIP website’s events page:
Conversations on Planning for the New Normal-Singapore Institute of Planners (SIP)
If you would like to learn more about the planning experience in Singapore, please consider joining their forthcoming online discussion event entitled "Conversations on Planning for the New Normal" scheduled for 16 July 2020 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mr. Karmjit Singh, Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport has been invited as the speaker to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on food supply chain logistics. Breakout group discussion on new town and city planning of Singapore in the "new normal" situation will also be held after the talk. Interested members please complete the attached registration form.
External Affairs Committee

International Volunteer Day (5 December 2018)
5 December is the International Volunteer Day (IVD) proclaimed by the United Nations to pay tribute to volunteers worldwide and to inspire more people to volunteer.
AVS has started celebrating IVD since 1992 to recognize volunteer contribution and appeal the public to volunteer.
“Go Volunteering!” is the slogan this year. We have put forward 101 Ways of Volunteering on the event website http://avs.org.hk/tc/ivd and appeal the public to volunteer in any form and to promote the spirit of volunteerism as part of our life. People are encouraged to share their volunteer stories by text, picture or video via the social media platforms.
As one of the member organizations of Hong Kong Council of Volunteering, HKIP members are encouraged to volunteer in any form on 5 December and to share your volunteer stories and photos on social media platforms and HashTag #125IVD.

Infrastructure Imagination : Hong Kong City Futures 1972-1988
Infrastructure Imagination showcases major infrastructure projects completed in Hong Kong between 1972 to 1988. The infrastructure expansions in this period are significant not only in their unprecedented scales and complexities, but also in their utopian undertones, grounded on a burgeoning optimism of economic and social progress. The design and construction of these megaprojects drew substantial technology transfers and attracted global expertise to overcome the technical challenges of building on Hong Kong’s difficult terrain. The arrival of new infrastructure systems in this period also facilitated major transformation of the urban landscape, generating new collective experiences for Hong Kong citizens and reshaping everyday community life.
The exhibition is divided into four sections: 1) Mass Transit Railway, 2) Highways & Tunnels, 3) Electricity Networks, and 4) Water Works. Each section consists of displays of large-format photographs as well as scaled drawings that illustrate the physical configurations of selected projects. These are supplemented with video footage and archival records that document the construction boom in Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s.
The exhibition aims to provide an opportunity for the public to reflect on the city’s urban change and renewal and to envision ways for building a more sustainable future in the 21st century.
For more details, please visit: https://infrastructureimagination.splashthat.com
HKIS Annual Conference 2017
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors will be holding their Annual Conference soon. Please click on the event to find out more!