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The HKIP 45th Anniversary Event Series - Tour to the Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters (45週年活動巡禮 - 參觀香港天文台總部)

The HKIP 45th Anniversary -

Tour to the Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters (參觀香港天文台總部)

We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming tour to the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) Headquarters, one of the world’s first centennial observing stations accredited by the World Meteorological Organization. The guided tour will take us backward in time to trace the development of the HKO in the past 140 years. We will be able to learn how weather forecasts are made and how advanced technologies are put into use to meet the changing expectations and needs of modern society. The 1883 Building of the HKO was listed as a declared monument in Hong Kong in 1984. In the tour, we will also have the opportunity to explore and appreciate the elegant historical building on site.

Highlight of the Visit:

  • Latest Meteorological Instruments for Weather Forecast (用作天氣預報的最新氣象儀器)

  • HKO History Room (天文台歷史室)

  • Declared Monument - 1883 Building (法定古蹟 - 1883大樓)


Details of the tour are as follows:·       

  • Date: 25 May 2024 (Sat)

  •  Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm

  • Venue: Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters (134A Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon)

  • Language: Cantonese

  • Quota: 30 (for HKIP members only)

  • Fee: Free of charge

  • Gathering Point and Time: 2:20pm at the main entrance of HKO Headquarters (Location map:

Should you be interested in the event, please fill in the registration form at by 17 May 2024 (Friday). Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

We look forward to seeing you at the guided tour. If you have any enquiry about the event, please feel free to email to


Thank you.


Yours faithfully,
45th Anniversary Organising Committee
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners