Comments on Ngau Tam Mei, New Territories North New Town and Ma Tso Lung Development Proposals -關於牛潭尾、新界北新市鎮及馬草壟發展建議的意見書
Comments on Ngau Tam Mei, New Territories North New Town and Ma Tso Lung Development Proposals
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) supports the development of the Northern Metropolis as the engine for innovation and technological advancement. We emphasize the need to strike a balance between economic development and environmental conservation, addressing present needs without compromising the sustainability of future generations, and fostering global connectivity in capital, resources and information while respecting the unique local character of the region.
To ensure the successful development of the Northern Metropolis, the following overarching principles are the key:
Maintaining flexibility in development proposals is crucial to adapt to evolving circumstances and opportunities.
Clear priorities should be established for implementation, with a focus on prudent cost management to ensure fiscal sustainability.
In response to the recently released development proposals of Ngau Tam Mei, New Territories North New Town and Ma Tso Lung, we have the following comments:
1. Ngau Tam Mei (NTM)
Forming part of the Northern Metropolis University Town (NMUT), we support the proposed positioning of NTM as the UniTown with integration of a medical teaching and research hospital alongside the establishment of Hong Kong’s third medical school. This initiative will not only provide “research, academic and industry” collaboration, but will also bolster Hong Kong’s life and health technology research clusters, creating a robust ecosystem to serve as a hub for the Greater Bay Area (GBA), Mainland China, and Asian markets.
To maximize the potential of the UniTown, we recommend the following:
Expedite the Education Framework: Since the UniTown in NTM only forms part of the NMUT, the development of a comprehensive education framework for NMUT should be prioritized and expedited to inform land use, urban design, and implementation strategies to take forward development of the UniTown.
Integrated Development Model: The UniTown should be supported by a mixed-use model that incorporates education, office, retail, and residential components. This approach will foster synergy between industry, startups, academia and research, while creating a vibrant environment for living, working, and learning.
Transportation Connectivity: Given that UniTown is not located in close proximity to Ngau Tam Mei Station, dedicated transport feeder services must be planned from the outset. Additionally, seamless transport connections within NMUT and among the urban campuses of selected universities and universities in the GBA should be properly assessed upon the release of the education framework.
2. New Territories North New Town (NTN)
With its close proximity to the three boundary control points, we support the development of NTN into an emerging industrial base with a cultural, educational, and sports hub not only to strengthen the collaboration and integration with GBA cities but also transform the areas into quality living space for our future generations. Given the large scale of NTN, we also support the proposal to prioritize its development with designation of the Priority Development Area (PDA).
To ensure the success of this initiative, we propose the following:
Emerging Industries: Diverse industries are proposed in NTN to promote economic development and cross-boundary collaboration. The responsible bureaux/departments or organizations should be identified to expedite or take the lead to implement the proposed industries (e.g. food industries etc.) or to support other potential industries to be identified in the future. Appropriate flexibility should be considered in the planning/zoning mechanism to accommodate the development of different emerging industries.
Infrastructure and Supporting Facilities: Adequate infrastructure and supporting community facilities etc must be in place before the first batch of residents moves in. This is particularly important for the PDA.
Innovative Transport Solutions: A dedicated corridor for smart public transport system should be considered, alongside exploring the potential of low-altitude economy applications in NTN.
Cross-Border Integration: A comprehensive study should be conducted to explore how the redevelopment of Lo Wu on the Shenzhen side would synergize with the development on the Hong Kong side.
Environmental Impact: Details of the environmental and ecological impacts (e.g. whether any endangered species or species of high ecological value would be affected by the developments) arising from the development of NTN in such a large scale are not provided in the public document, which should be properly assessed, and avoid, mitigate or compensate during the implementation of NTN or the PDA.
Recreation and Eco-Tourism Development: NTN has rich heritage, cultural and tourism resources. It is also located close to the newly designated Robin’s Nest Country Park. Together with the proposed Central River Valley, considerations should be given to utilize all the above resources with provision of sufficient supporting facilities to enhance the appeal and sustainability of NTN so as to attract people of all ages or visitors to stay, live, work and travel in this new development area.
Public Engagement: NTN involves a vast piece of land and its development would unavoidably affect various stakeholders including both indigenous and non-indigenous villagers, brownfield operators, operators of rural businesses and industries, operators of social welfare facilities (e.g. elderly facilities etc.), farmers or even minority groups or operators of charity organizations etc. A comprehensive public engagement strategy should be formulated and implemented to ensure a thorough understanding of the needs of these stakeholders. Apart from financial compensation or subsidy, appropriate measures (e.g. rehousing arrangement etc.) to address the needs of these stakeholders should be devised or even implemented before the commencement of the development works of NTN.
Renaming NTN New Town: To avoid confusion and ensure coherence with the Northern Metropolis development, the naming of NTN New Town should be revisited. As the concept of Northern Metropolis has evolved, the current naming may be misleading. We propose renaming it to better reflect its identity and role within the broader development, such as Heung Yuen Wai New Town.
3. Ma Tso Lung (MTL)
While we generally support the development of MTL, we urge careful consideration of the implementation timeline and associated costs to ensure feasibility and alignment with broader regional goals.
HKIP urges the government to carefully consider the above recommendations in the planning and implementation of the Northern Metropolis and its associated development proposals. By striking a balance between economic growth, environmental conservation, and social needs, we can create a sustainable and vibrant future for Hong Kong.
Public Affairs Committee
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners
14 Mar 2025
1. 牛潭尾
2. 新界北新市鎮
3. 馬草壟