Belcher Bay Promenade

士美菲路一帶的海濱,是舊日維港填海原有邊界的標記,2020年全面開放的卑路乍灣海濱長廊與此毗鄰。卑路乍灣海濱長廊前身為公眾貨物裝卸區,佔地約5 900平方米。這裏設有多功能用途活動空間、木板路、移動卡板、寵物公園、社區農圃,吸引居民、緩跑人士、遊人和寵物主人來訪。
The harbourfront of Smithfield marks the original reclamation boundary of Victoria Harbour, which intersects with the Belcher Bay Promenade that was fully opened to public in 2020. Belcher Bay Promenade is formerly a public cargo working area and covers an area of 5 900 square metres. It features multipurpose space, boardwalks, movable pallets, pet garden and community farms, making it a popular destination to residents, joggers, visitors and pet owners.