Climate Change: Zero Emission Transportation


Hong Kong has been renowned for its world-class transportation system – one that centers on public transport with railway as the backbone while keeping the city relatively walkable and easily maneuverable. With a vision of attaining carbon-neutral by 2050, the Hong Kong Government has published a roadmap on popularisation of electric vehicles in March 2021, setting out the long-term plans to promote the use of electric vehicles. Nonetheless, zero emission transport is a broader topic. In this issue, let’s get to know a little more about this broader topic.

Achieving Net Zero: Will our Transport Industry Meet our Targets?

Publisher: The Institution of Engineering and Technology

Future Transportation - Zero Emission and Electric Buses

Publisher: Clean Air Network

Many cities like Hong Kong have committed to becoming carbon-neutral by 2050, and have begun decarbonizing their transport systems.  Through the next few videos, let’s have a look at the polices being recommended/implemented in Sweden, the UK and the US.

Sustainable Cities: Stockholm's low-carbon transport revolution

Publisher: CDP Worldwide

How the U.K. Plans to Hit Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

Publisher: CBC News Network

IAQM Webinar: Reducing emissions from road transport, the journey to a net zero future

Publisher: The Institution of Environmental Sciences

Transforming Transportation in America's Zero-Carbon Action Plan

Publisher: UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies

Next, let’s take a sneak peek into the future for transport.  Tune to 16:30 of the video and see what city planners in Sweden are doing!

Sustainable Energy: The big ideas changing transport

Reporters: Afua Adom and Ashley House, CNBC International TV

In the upcoming issues, we will continue to explore other aspects of climate change.  After all, it is an imminent topic!

Climate ChangeHKIP