Winner of HKIP Awards 2020

Certificate of Merit 優異獎

Tackling Double-ageing with Double-smart 以「雙智慧」應對「雙老化」

Mr. Kar-Kan LING, SBS 凌嘉勤先生,銀紫荊勳賢
Ms. Karen LEE 李雅筠女士

figure 2.JPG

Double-ageing (ageing of population and ageing of building stock) is usually tackled as two separate subjects. The double-ageing phenomenon in Hong Kong is unique in the world in terms of its scale and complexity in light of the rapidly growing elderly population and the ultra-high building density worsened by stratified ownership.

A rising challenge is to shape the built environment in an innovative way to support the daily lives of users of all physical abilities and improve their health. More importantly, the community should also take into account the needs and aspirations of the present and future olds in the urban renewal processes to future-proof the city.

The study promulgates an integrated ‘double-smart’ approach, namely ‘smart ageing’ and ‘smart city’ to facilitate transition of city and empower our ageing population to remain socially active in their community. It illustrates how ‘smart home’, ‘smart building’, ‘smart neighbourhood’, ‘smart community’ and ‘smart mobility’ could each play its role to empower the ageing population to ‘age-in-place’ and guide the transformation of city. The ultimate goal is to sustain the elderly’s self-care abilities by applying smart ageing and smart city technology and design to each layer of their activity sphere to enhance the age-friendliness of city.



研究提倡制定一個整合「雙智慧」的方案,即「智慧樂齡」與「智慧城市」,以促進城市轉型和賦予老齡人口權利為目標,使他們積極參與在社區,與社會保持聯繫。它闡釋 「智能家居」、「智能樓宇」、「智能鄰里」、「智能社區」和 「智能出行」如何各司其職,讓老年人實踐「居家安老」,引導城市轉型。最終目標是將智慧樂齡與智慧城市的技術和設計應用於老年人活動領域的各個層面,鞏固他們的自理能力,以提升城市的長者友善程度。

Gist of Adjudicators’ Comments:

  • A very comprehensive, in-depth and systematic study on the double-aging phenomenon in Hong Kong, with a view to raising public awareness on the need for smart solutions to overcome the challenges ahead and alleviate the social and physical impacts upfront. It rightly advocates the need to refine the current planning standards and formulate a strategic plan to promote the paradigm shift towards addressing double-aging and developing double-smart initiatives.

  • The study sets out an innovative and practicable framework for implementing the double-smart initiatives at various levels of smart home, smart building, smart neighbourhood, smart community, smart mobility and smart city governance.

  • The studious work is timely and highly relevant, providing valuable reference for similar studies in Hong Kong and elsewhere. Overall, the high quality of work deserves commendation.


  • 研究透過對香港的雙老化現象進行全面,深入和有系統的分析,提高公眾對引入智能方案作為解決未來挑戰及直接應對社會和實際環境影響的認識。它正確地提出了完善當前的規劃標準及製定策略規劃的必要性,以加快社會在解決雙老化問題和發展雙智慧措施的認知轉向。

  • 該研究為智能家居、智能樓宇、智能鄰里、智能社區、智能出行及智能城市治理的各層面推行雙智慧措施設定了創新且可行的框架。

  • 該項精心的研究進行及時且與現時社會高度相關,為香港和其他地方的類似研究提供了寶貴的參考。高質素的研究值得讚賞。