Community Planning Lab
(Online Event)

為慶祝香港特別行政區成立 25 週年,香港規劃師學會 (HKIP) 於 2022 年 4 月舉辦「香港規劃師學會社區規劃體驗館」。這個網上展覽展示了香港規劃師學會及它的各個委員會,包括規劃項目委員會、社區規劃委員會及青年規劃師組的社區規劃倡議及實踐。這個網上展覽及一連串網上活動希望能就社區規劃議題連結規劃師、不同持份者及普羅大眾,探索社區規劃的不同面向,促進可持續發展。
In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) is organising “HKIP Community Planning Lab (Online Events)” in April 2022. This online exhibition showcases HKIP and its committees, such as Planning Project Committee, Community Planning Committee and Young Planners Group’s efforts in putting community planning into practice. This online exhibition together with a series of online events are arranged during the month to engage planners, key players and the wider community in exploring the topic of community planning, which is pivotal to promoting sustainable development.
關於社區規劃 About Community Planning
“Community planning integrates social and physical environments through communication, negotiation and participation. Community planning is not an independent process but is interrelated with other community issues.” - Phil Heywood (2011)
社區規劃是一個由下而上的過程,藉著各種的溝通及互動方式,連結規劃議題上不同的持份者。社區參與是社區規劃重要的一環,除了加深不同持份者對社區之認識,亦讓各持份者能認知和理解大家的出發點和意見,建立同理心和共議的空間。 規劃的議題涵蓋甚寬,討論分析往往只從個別土地用途或發展出發,再從區域性規劃層面考量是否與周邊相容,因此局限了規劃過程,只著眼於能夠量化的課題上,而忽視了用途或發展所帶來的在地影響,例如生活形態、行為及社區凝聚等。社區規劃正正 是倡議以社區為本,從社區角度出發,希望以在地的平台讓本地居民、公眾人士及社區團體等與社區有關連的人,透過積極的參與過程,共同構思出一些有關社區生活的決定。
Community planning is a bottom-up process which involves different interest groups and stakeholders through various means of communication and interactions. Public participation is one of the essential elements in community planning which not only increases stakeholders’ understanding of the local community, but also offers opportunities for participants to understand one another, build empathy and reach consensus. Discussion and analysis in the traditional planning process, very often, only covers land use and its compatibility with the surrounding area. It is limited to quantitative considerations and fails to consider local social impacts, such as lifestyle, behaviour and community cohesion. Community planning, in contrast, focuses on a community-based approach to respond to local problems and challenges. It provides a platform which allows anyone in the community, including local residents, public and community organisations, to actively collaborate and participate in the decision-making process.
Better achieve users’ needs with a stress on thinking from users’ perspectives. As democracy forms the foundation of the decision, this could help gain wider public support and reduce public resistance in the policy-making process. The time spent on resolving conflicts could be minimised.
Contribute to local knowledge, which is more tailored to the local conditions, and supplement local planning work, as every community is unique and some information could not be obtained by second-hand data collection.
Increase public understanding towards the concept of town planning and public awareness, thus achieving the aim of public education.
Consider views of different people, which could possibly result in a more comprehensive conclusion and recommendations.
Create a sense of community.
Build local people’s confidence, capabilities and skills which enables them to tackle challenges together. This helps empower the local community.
信任 Trust
Trust is crucial to build relationships with stakeholders and interest groups. Start trusting others and generally it will be reciprocated. Being open about information and straightforward on different agendas are fundamentals to build trust.
促進性 Facilitative
The process is as important as the product in community planning. An environment 4 to share ideas, opinions, experiences and expertise to achieve a common goal should be nurtured throughout the planning process. A neutral stance should be maintained to brainstorm options, identify viable solutions and develop and implement action plans.
務實的遠見 Visionary yet realistic
Raising expectations aids progress and achieving goals but dwelling entirely on the utopian could be frustrating. A balance between setting bold and visionary goals, and being realistic about the practical options available should be stroke. As the saying goes: “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and be unsurprised by anything in between”.
包容 Inclusive
All main stakeholders irrespective of their background should be involved as early as possible while efforts on respecting and understanding the local culture, context and knowledge should also be made as much as possible. The appreciation of diverse backgrounds can better facilitate an efficient shared control over the planning process.
為了發展以數據為基礎及可擴展的社區為本的解決方案,需要一個跨界別小組來收 集不同界別的專業知識,來自更廣泛社區的日常經驗和當地機構及協論員的技術支持。這組合利用了來自各方的資源,這是令試驗計劃成功的關鍵因素之一。
With a view to develop a data driven and scalable community-based solution on air pollution issues, an interdisciplinary working group is required to gather expertise knowledge from different professions, day-to-day experience from the wider community and technical support from the local institution and facilitator. This combination has leveraged resources from different parties and it is one of the key factors leading to the success of the Pilot Scheme.
Based on the experience of the Pilot Scheme, there are two major roles of Planners identified:
1) Adviser on Planning Knowledge: provide professional planning advice in different stages including design of methodology, visualization of data, generation of insights as well as ideation in order to assist the team to frame the problems from a planning point of view ; and
2) Capacity Builder: it is also one of the duties of Planners to reach out wider community to promote the profession and build the capacity of the general public on participating in district planning issues.

社區規劃倡議與實踐 Community Planning In PRACTICE
社區規劃委員會 Community Planning Committee
社區規劃委員會(CPC)是香港規劃師學會轄下的委員會。委員會成立目的是為提高 公眾對規劃專業的理解,亦使專業規劃師更了解社區;充當社會各階層,特別是弱勢社群與政府之間的橋樑,使他們所關注的規劃議題帶到政府決策層中,尤其是那些無法明確表達其需求的人士。CPC的規劃師通過社區規劃工作坊/研討會,不同的專業會議來協助社區中各持分者溝通,並與社區合作製定解決城市發展問題的實際方案。我們亦會舉辦不同的宣傳活動提高公眾對社區規劃的認識並提倡規劃中的社區因素,與土地使用和規劃同等重要。
Community Planning Committee (CPC) is one of the committees under HKIP. The establishment of it is to raise mutual understanding between the public towards planning profession and vice versa; to act as a bridge between the less privileged sectors of the community and the Government, enabling concerns from them to be leveraged to governing authorities, particularly those who are less able to articulate their needs. Planners in CPC also assist to communicate with various stakeholders in the community via community planning workshops, attending meetings with different professions, and to collaborate with the community to prepare practical plans to solve certain urban development issues. We also conduct outreach activities to raise public awareness that the social aspect of planning is equally important to land use and physical planning.
1. 兒童留聲台第二期 – 葵芳篇 及 石籬篇
Voices of Children Phase II - Kwai Fong & Shek Lei
The programme was organised by Plan International Hong Kong (Plan International), aiming to engage the children to explore and understand the existing conditions and issues of their neighbourhoods, and try to suggest creative ideas to improve the community facilities, in particular park design, in the area.
Two districts, Kwai Fong and Shek Lei, were selected as the programme venues. Plan International collaborated with Hong Kong Shing Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre (HKSKH) was invited to be the local partner of Plan International who served as their local partner so that they could understand the local unique characteristics and reach local network easily.
“Clean Air Neighbourhood” Pilot Scheme
The “Clean Air Neighbourhood” Pilot Scheme (the Pilot Scheme) was initiated by Clean Air Network (CAN) in collaboration with the CPC of HKIP and the Church of Christ in China Tam Lee Lai Fun Memorial Secondary School (the School), in the period from December 2018 to March 2019, to experiment and testify the feasibility and effectiveness of a community-based engagement approach, which aims to foster a platform for community to continue their efforts to monitor, adapt and mitigate the health impact of air pollution.
The School and its surrounding area were selected as the study area of the Pilot Scheme, which are in close proximity to Tuen Mun Highway and Tuen Mun River. The highway and the river were identified as potential sources of air pollution and noxious smell respectively. In the Pilot Scheme, the team explored ways to lower the intensity of air pollutants in street level, shorten pedestrians’ travel time and lower their frequency of using streets with severe air pollution problems.
For details please go to the Online Exhibition Area below!

規劃項目委員會 Planning Project Committee
The Planning Project Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners was set up in 2020, when COVID-19 was affecting all of us. Face-to-face contact was discouraged and social distancing became the norm. Amidst the gloomy atmosphere, a group of town planners under the Committee would like to do something positive to the community. Through co-creative artistic and place-making initiatives, we are committed to curating more lovable neighbourhoods in Hong Kong. “Curating Smithfield” is our pilot project, and we are glad to work with interested local stakeholders including artists, AR partners as well as the Central and Western District Council in realising the project.
3. 解碼圖
Code Map
Smithfield is an artery of Keenedy Town stretching from Victoria Harbour to Mount Davis, a reach out to the blue-green assets of Hong Kong in a glimpse. Through this Code Map, we cordially invite you to appreciate the unique characteristics and beauty of Smithfield which embraces interesting stories of urban evolution: From a reverine area in the remote west end of Hong Kong Island to a reclaimed land at “Lap Sap Wan” (Rubbish Bay) in the 1880s. Then, from a remote area in the bygone Victoria City packed with NIMBY (not-in-my-backyard) facilities (e.g. cattle depot, slaughterhouse, plague hospital compound) to a thriving residential neighbourhood comprising both old and new developments, foodies and art communities. Smithfield has transformed from city fringe to a muse filled hopes and charm.
This Code Map is jointly presented by the Planning Project Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners and Central and Western District Council. It is the pilot project of the Community Curating Smithfield initiatives. Let’s explore the neighbourhood together.
4. 策展士美菲路 - 自助導賞
Curating Smithfield - Self Guided Tour
為解構士美菲故事,香港規劃師學會規劃項目委員會與本地初創公司「Insider Tour」合作,推出「策展士美菲路」智能手機自助導覽專頁,沿途為你展現一段富城巿規劃色彩的自助旅程。這導覽旅程會帶你到10個不同地點,了解這兒如何由一個佈滿厭惡性鄰避設施的地方,搖身一變成為潮人熱點,希望大家會喜歡這個尋寶遊戲。應用程式「Insider Tour」可從Google Play商店或Apple App Store下載,你可以從應用程式「Insider Tour」內找到「策展士美菲路」頁面,按自己的節拍及日程自助遊歷,與我們一起追尋士美菲往事。
To present the Smithfield’s stories, the Planning Project Committee of the HKIP, in collaboration with a local startup company ‘Insider Tour’, is pleased to announce the launch of a new guided tour ‘Curating Smithfield’ in the mobile app ‘Insider Tour’ for the self-guided tour with town planning flavour in Smithfield. The tour brings you to 10 different checkpoints, unveiling how this neighbourhood has evolved form an area filled with NIMBY (not in my backyard) facilities to one full of charms. We hope you would find this touring experience fun and fruitful like a treasure hunt. The app ‘Insider Tour’ could be downloaded from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. You can join us for the tour of the past Smithfield in the page ‘Curating Smithfield’ in the mobile app at your pace and at a time of your choice.
For details please go to the Online Exhibition Area below!

青年規劃師組 Young Planners Group
香港規劃師學會 - 青年規劃師組 在2001年創立,是香港規劃師學會的其中一個委員會,我們由一班熱心和有理想的青年規劃師組成,希望能在職涯規劃、專業發展、社區外展和社交活動方面為舉辨各項活動。
Young Planners Group, the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP-YPG) was founded in 2001 as one of the committees under HKIP, aiming to gather energetic and ambitious young planners to promote sustainable urban development of Hong Kong. As a group of devoted and passionate young planners, we aim to bring our members a series of activities and events in Career Planning, Professional Development, Community Outreach, and Networking / Social Activities.
你可以Follow 我們的Facebook留意我們的最新資訊。
To get to know our latest events and works, you may follow our Facebook to get updated.
5. 灣仔街坊規劃師計劃
Wan Chai Kai Fong Planners Programme
We are happy to have a group of local experts and “Kai Fong” to be the participants of the “Wan Chai Kai Fong Planners Programme” co-organized with St. James Settlement. By inputting our planning knowledge as well as gathering the local knowledge and personal experiences from the “Kai Fong”, we hope to create synergy in between our discussion regarding local planning issues with an eventual goal to see Wai Chai from the “planning” lens,and to explore the possibility of open spaces in Wan Chai.
我們挑選了4個灣仔區的公共空間作考察,包括大王東街休憩處 / 空地、利東街(街道與平台)、皇后大道東/汕頭街休憩處及春園街休憩處。它們分別都有不同的特色和問題。參加者與青年規劃師一同到了這些公共空間作實地考察,並利用在工作坊中學到的知識和工具評估各個公共空間。
We have selected four open spaces in Wan Chai within the neighbourhood, including Tai Wong Street East Sitting Out Area / Vacant Site, Lee Tung Street (street and Podium), Queen’s Road East / Swatow Street Sitting Out Area and Spring Garden Lane Sitting Out Area that are of various characters and issues. Participants and young planners have conducted site visit to the open spaces and to assess the quality of the open spaces with the knowledge and toolkit learnt in the seminar sessions.
參考了不同的規劃案例和指引,我們使用了一個「五+面向」的框架 去分析這些公共空間的質素,分別為設施、使用度、多樣性與共融性、環境及氣氛和可達度。
With reference to good practices and planning guidelines, we used a “5+ aspects” framework to evaluate the quality of Open Spaces, which are Facilities, Usage, Variety and Inclusiveness, Environment and Ambience, and Accessibility.
With the knowledge learnt on good practices of open space planning, the site visit data and the own local knowledge as Kai Fongs, participants then started to work on a conceptual layout plan to improve the planning and design of the neighbourhood of Wan Chai. The in-depth dialogue has been rewarding with impressive simplified Master Plans drawn by our “Kai Fong” in the final session.
6. 紅磡碼頭公共空間實驗
Open Space Experience @ Hung Hom Pier
一個空無一物的閒置空間,都已經能成為小朋友的樂園。但從城市設計的角度而言,又是否能透過一些擺設去改善其他用家的體驗呢?為此我們準備了一系列街道裝置,並選址紅磡碼頭旁的空地,希望以實驗的方式去了解使用者對這些裝置的看法,並分析他們使用此空間時的潛在需要, 最終利用短片呈現我們的實驗結果。
An empty open space can easily become a playground for children with little effort, but are there any urban design interventions that can make the space more enjoyable for other users? In this experiment setting, we hope to understand users’ perception on various street furniture options and their potential needs of using the space, by setting up these installations at the open space adjacent to Hung Hom Pier, which we will present our experiment findings through video footages.
Since the relocation of the open-air bus terminus at the plaza opposite the Hung Hom Ferry Pier in 2019, the land has been opened up for public use in the form of "open first, then optimize" instead of closing it immediately. We notice that there are more organic and interactive activities in this park than ordinary parks, such as children's play, bicycle/scooter, sports and so on.
The pier plaza is the “playground”; “race-lanes”; “gathering points” for the children. While the caregivers usually stand aside to keep an eye on their children. We observe that some of the caregivers brought along their own stools; begin chit-chatting with each other. Given the diverse behaviors of the co-users, we are inspired to imagine that if we provide some small props to the area, will it enhance the experience of all users of the community-led / built public space?
公眾自發在巴士總站舊址進行不同活動。我們希望在現有的有機發展之上,觀察新增的街道裝置如何帶動空間使用。實驗會在一個週末下午進行 ,約三至四小時 。我們希望透過該實驗,探討以下問題:
People have been using the site for different activities on their own initiative. Building on such organic development, we would like to observe how the street furniture stimulates the use of space. The experiment will be conducted in around 3-4 hours on a weekend afternoon. We aim to explore the following issues through this experiment:
How will different users utilise the street furniture?
What are the differences in people’s behaviours when compared to the setting without the street furniture?
How to use low cost materials as a simple yet effective way to bring vitality to underutilised space?
Can the results help inform the future design and planning of the site?
紅磡碼頭公共空間實驗 - 收集意見!
Open Space Experiment @ Hung Hom Pier - Opinions Wanted!
The major users of public open space are the general public whose opinions are of the utmost importance in creating quality open space. How do you think about our Open Space Experiment @ Hung Hom Pier? What kinds of street furniture do you think should be provided there? Tell us what you think below and you will be the one to decide!
Use your mobile device to scan this QR code or click here to add your suggestions and see the results instantly!

重溫座談會 Replay Symposium
網上展覽區 OnLine Exhibition area
Please use desktop computer or tablet computer for better viewing experience. The size of each file is about 20MB. It is recommended to download via a fixed network or WI-FI wireless network.

香港規劃師學會 The Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP)
香港規劃師學會(下稱「本會」)於1978年開始運作,並於1979年7月正式成立。1991年5月,前立法局頒布了《香港規劃師學會法團條例》,本會自此成為法定機構 。
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) officially started operation in 1978 and was inaugurated in July 1979. In May 1991, the Institute became a statutory body with the enactment of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners Incorporation Ordinance 1991 by the Legislative Council.
The Institute is recognised by all concerned local and overseas organisations as the professional planning institute representing the planning profession in Hong Kong. The Institute's full membership is accepted by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and private consultant firms for appointment purposes. The Institute is one of the professional institutes in the Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Architectural functional constituency for the Legislative Council elections.
To promote and safeguard development and the environment in Hong Kong in the best interests of the community.
To raise the status and to safeguard the interests of the town planning profession and those engaged in it.
To promote the community's awareness of the contribution of town planning.
To promote education and research in town planning.
To ensure that town planning professionals in the practice possess adequate professional competence through the admission into the Institute's membership.
To secure the confidence of the community in the professional qualifications of members of the Institute.
To promote co-operation and understanding with other institutes and associations with similar objectives.
專業發展及訓練 Professional Development and Training
網上研討會活動 Webinar event
參觀活動 Technical visits
社區規劃及地方營造 Community Planning and Place Making
民間規劃工作坊 Community planning workshops
內地聯繫及對外事務 Mainland Liaison and External Affairs
Certificate presentation ceremony for Qianhai registered town planners簽署香港規劃師學會及皇家城市規劃學會之間的諒解備忘錄 Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)
公共事務 Public Affairs
與香港電台合作電台廣播 Collaborated with RTHK in radio program broadcasting
卓越規劃 Planning Excellence
香港規劃師學會周年大獎 Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards
香港過渡性房屋規劃及設計比賽 Planning and Design Competition on Transitional Housing in Hong Kong