HKIP Journal Vol. 32 (2018)
Dear Members,
Please note that the coming issue of the HKIP Journal is now ready for despatching. Hardcopies of the journal will be delivered to those who have indicated this preference earlier on. The others could browse the journal in digital format.
The theme of the current issue is “Quality Environment and Green Building”.
Renowned practitioners, Rosana Wong, John Ng and Andy Chung, are invited to share first-hand experience in their respective areas of work. Rosana demonstrates how developers design, build and maintain a liveable and desirable living environment for micro-units through adopting the sustainable “Micro to Macro Full Lifecycle Management” approach. In John’s paper, he outlines the development of green buildings in Hong Kong as well as their significant contributions to urban livability and sustainability in the context of urban planning. Andy puts forward ideas on how various types of technologies could help create a better and more sustainable environment.
As in the previous issues, the three columnists, Jimmy Leung, Betty Ho and Andrew Lam, share their interesting viewpoints on various planning issues. The questions they raise provide food for thoughts — “Is green building sufficient to create a quality environment? (Betty); “Do something or do nothing for a green future?”(Andrew); ”Is it too much of a luxury for Hong Kong to have performing venues in industrial buildings?” (Jimmy)
In the Student Corner, Felix Ku, introduces a comprehensive case study on a redevelopment project of the Housing Authority at Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate. He puts forward suggestions on how future public housing development and redevelopment projects could be improved to achieve a more sustainable community.
Last but not least, two special sections are included in the current issue – the coverages on the 2017 HKIP Award winners and citations for the two newly elected HKIP Honorary Members, Professor Li Xiao Jiang and Professor Rebecca Chiu.
Soft copy of the Journal :
Editorial Committee