Outstanding Membership Subscriptions (2017)

Members are reminded that your 2017 membership subscription was due on 31 January 2017.  Please renew and pay your subscription as soon as possible if you have not done so.

The relevant Clauses of HKIP Bye-laws are reiterated as follows:

"All annual subscriptions shall be paid by the 31st day of January every year." (Clause 81)        

"…In the event of these subscriptions continuing in arrears on 1st of March of the same year, the Council shall decide on the course of action that shall be taken including suspensions and expulsion of the Fellows, Full Members, Retired Members or Students concerned." (Clause 90).

Name / Membership No.

Chan Wing Wing  M099

Tso Yiu Nam, Tony  M188

So Lai Mui, Helen  M328

王敏  M499

唐震  M522

Kwok Wai San, Michelle  S822

Chen Ting Ting  S871

Lang Wei  S873

Li Mei Huen, Madelene  S933

The Hon Treasurer had recently sent a letter to remind members who have outstanding membership subscriptions to pay up their subscriptions.  Despite the reminder, a number of members still have not responded.  According to the decision reached at the Council meeting of 20 December 2017, their names are hereby published.

It may be possible that some of them have changed their address/email without informing the Institute. We request the assistance of members who have been in contact with the above concerned members. Please ask them to contact us and settle their arrears by 31 January 2018, or their membership would be terminated.

Members should be advised that payment of all subscriptions previously due as well as a reinstatement fee would be required for applications for reinstatement of membership within five years from termination in accordance with BL109.

16 January 2018