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2022 Hong Kong Shenzhen
Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture
(Hong Kong)
Organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) Biennale Foundation and co-organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) and the Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA), the 2022 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Hong Kong) (UABB) is now open. Under the main theme - “SEEDS OF RESILIENCE | 集籽種城”, UABB 2022 is not only held for the professionals, but also a platform facilitating the discussions and collaborations for the concerned topics among the public.
由香港建築師學會雙年展基金會主辦,香港規劃師學會和香港設計師協會協辦的2022港深城市\建築雙城雙年展(香港)現已開放,今年主題為 “SEEDS OF RESILIENCE | 集籽種城”。雙年展不僅是為專業人士舉辦,更提供一個促進公眾就社會關注的議題進行討論和合作的平台。
In the past few years, Hong Kong people’s lives have been transformed by multiple waves of crises. The overwhelming ‘shock and awe’ of these successive challenges has affected everyone differently. In times like these, where can we find hope? How do we resolve the conflicts within our city, and seek a new equilibrium that will allow the different elements of our city to co-exist? During this difficult time, people in Hong Kong continue to make positive changes to our society within their capacity. These bottom-up efforts, however big or small, are the seeds of resilience coming from the soil of Hong Kong. In UABB 2022, we shall re-discover the diverse seeds of resilience from the personal, communal, ecological and many more aspects, and put them under nourishing light.
VENUE & Opening Days 開放地點及日期
Central Market 中環街市
Date 日期:27/8-26/10
North Point (East) Ferry Pier 北角(東)渡輪碼頭
Date 日期:10/9-26/11
Central Pier No. 7 (Star Ferry)
Star Ferry Pier (Tsim Sha Tsui)
Date 日期:10/9-26/11
青年規劃師組 參展作品
Young Planners Group Exhibition Item
Play Lab @ Hung Hom
Exhibition Period 展期︰27.08 - 26.10.2022
Exhibition Venue 展覽場地︰Central Market 中環街市

1 背景
Since the relocation of the bus terminus at the plaza opposite to the Hung Hom Ferry Pier, this former bus terminus have been left idle since 2019. We noticed that there are more organic and interactive activities in this park than ordinary parks, such as children's play, bicycle/scooter, sports and so on.
This public open space is a part of the Hung Hom Urban Park under planning. The Government and the public are exploring different design options in utilising this space to enhance public experience. This site may also synergies with the nearby “Open Space Development at Hung Hom Waterfront" project by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the beautification of the Hung Hom (South) Ferry Pier.
People have been using the site for different activities on their own initiative. The site has become a common ground for resting and a playground for kids. Building on such organic development, we would like to observe how the street furniture stimulates and facilitates the use of space.
Our experimental team, the Young Planners Group (YPG) of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) adopted some intervention strategies in this vacant space near the pier to see how different installations and street furniture may affect users’ behaviours and experiences in the urban spaces. The project also provides insights on some effective means and materials in creating installations to enhance urban vitality and create unique urban experiences. This social experiment was carried out on 26th June 2022 afternoon for around 4 hours. A lot of local residents showed their support for our experiment and project ideas.
With the different installations created and provided by the team, many kids and local residents made use of their creativity and explored ways to utilise the space. The space temporarily became a playground for different groups of people. It reminds us of the close relationship between urban street furniture and installations and urban living. The experiment also implied that the local community groups (including kids) are playing indispensable roles in spatial planning. Our team believed that bottom-up planning and experimental design will provide us with feasible insights on future place-making and urban planning. Different groups of people can work together and play a part in creating a better place which belongs to everyone.
2. 基線觀察
Baseline Observation
We observed that there are more organic and interactive activities found in this vacant site than other parks. Various groups of people are carrying out different activities, including jogging, cycling, playing scooters, doing workouts, along the lay-bys. It is common to see many parents bringing their kids to play here during weekends, holidays, and some weekday afternoons after school.
The pier plaza is the “playground”; “race-lanes”; “gathering points” for the children. While the caregivers usually stand aside to keep an eye on their children. We observe that some of the caregivers brought along their own stools; begin chit-chatting with each other.
There are less space users found in the plaza during 12-3pm. It is quite sunny there while there is a lack of shading.
It is common to see kids cycling or riding scooters along the existing “track” formed by the former bus lanes and lay-bys. Users may find this quite standardised and boring for cycling and other different activities.
Given the diverse behaviors of the co-users as observed, we are inspired to imagine: If we provide some small props to the area, will it enhance the experience of all users of the community-led / built public space? Could some movable furniture also help create better urban spaces and user experiences? These all imaginations and questions inspired our team to carry out this project and social experiment.
3. 快閃裝置
The bus lay-bys of the old bus terminus cut the site into lanes. We observed dynamic activities along the lanes, like cycling, riding scooters, and driving model cars. The pier plaza means “racing-lanes” to the current users. To complement the current uses, we used finishing lines, road signage, and traffic cones to design a race track. However, we discovered that the users would not confine themselves to the race track. They have their own way of racing and utilising the space, as demonstrated in the experiment. It reflects that the actual users have a higher degree of creativity and understanding of the space.
To echo with a theme of “racing”, we provide some simply assembled go-carts for children. Although they are interested about the carts, they need some encouragement from the caregivers and facilitators to play with the toys. Other kids are attracted when some people are playing with the go-carts, and it forms a larger playgroup.
In line with the existing use of non-motorised vehicles observed at the site, it was intended to establish a theme of racing by forming a track using signages. Various signs were created to show directions and direct the routes of users. They were designed only for decoration.
Designed to connect the existing aisles to the ground by providing ramps to overcome the level difference. Recycled cardboards were collected and combined to form gentle slopes to be used by non-motorised vehicles (e.g. scooters, bicycles, skateboards and race carts, balance or pedal bikes). Varied routes other than a flat track could be provided for an enhance experience. Although the ramps were not as accessible by the race carts as expected, the ramps attracted some other users, including kids riding bicycles or scooters. The users tried to ascend and descend using the ramps.
We noticed that there are a lot of columns that are used by the former bus terminus, such as lamp post, water / electricity pipelines and columns of the built structures. To make use of the existing context and develop the vertical space, we set up some basketball hoops on a pipeline column. As it is the most comfortable place on-site with shading and sea breeze, kids, youngsters, and adults come and play.
At first, we only set up one basketball hoop, which is of the height that a teenager can play. After a trial and error process, we realize that setting up hoops at different heights can enable participants of different age to have a better sense of achievement and can also make it more challenging and interesting.
Several balls of different colours were provided at the site to encourage more active usage, which were mainly placed near the basketball hoops for kids to shoot into the hoops. The balls attracted kids of a wide range of ages, who freely threw and kicked the balls around the site. Their usage was not limited to nearby the hoops. They either played alone or with their parents. Some social interactions were observed when young kids interacted with other kids of similar age.
因安全考慮,彈床在遊樂場並不常見。團隊將彈床放置在連接在支柱上的籃球架附近,作為皮球的彈跳台。有別於預期的用途,有不少孩子們獨自在彈床上跳得很開心。 我們發現大部份家長並不是太擔心安全問題,反而鼓勵小朋友自己在彈床上遊玩。
Due to safety concern, trampoline is not always found in usual playground facilities. Installed as a bouncing agent for the balls, placed near the hoops attached to the poles. Unlike the expected use, the kids had fun jumping on the trampoline alone. We recognize that most parents are less worrying on the safety aspect as we thought and they will encourage their children to jump on the trampoline on their own.
We want to give the users more playing alternatives by providing removable game installations in this existing “playground” to boost its “play” element. The bus bays left from the former bus terminus are natural racetracks and we think it would be a good idea to adapt to the site features for playing by turning one of the bus bays into a bowling alley. Apart from bowling, we provided freeform foam sticks for kids. The design idea is to allow them to decide their own way of playing and to co-create an open space for fun.
While a bowling game may sound standard with already defined common game rules, some kids improvised the way to enjoy the bowling game. A boy suggested setting two parallel bowling alleys so that he could have a match with his friend. It is nice to see that kids came up with an interactive way of playing! Kids were also eager to suggest their desired ways to place the bowling pins (for example, how the triangular shape should look like). Parents treated the bowling game as a chance to educate their kids to help with clean-up and some kids offered help proactively. With parents asking kids to take turns to play and kids queuing up patiently, a positive playing atmosphere was formed. Behind the bowling pins were the puzzle playmats we brought, with which kids designed the goals creatively. Every piece on site could be a subject of experimentation!
We observed that kids and parents enjoyed the game installations by inventive improvisation even without our facilitators. Their ways of playing with the foam sticks included hopscotch and obstacle race (hurdling and running under an arch). Kids designed their obstacle tracks by creating multiple shapes with the foam sticks and placing them in different arrangements. Users indeed adapted what is available to best suit their own needs, and this is exactly what we wish to test in our experimentation.
The site is a nice playground for kids, but is lacking of seating and sheltering, which the condition may not be ideal for parents. We also found that users may want a place to put their belongings such as water bottles and mobile phones. We therefore decided to create seating with shelter and put it at the site to see if it can satisfy users’ needs. To illustrate that temporary urban furniture and installations for practical uses can be made of sustainable materials, the bench is completely made of cardboards and the shelter is made of a recycled plastic woven bag. Handmaking urban installations with inexpensive and readily accessible materials, we hope to exemplify that tactical urbanism is not something difficult to achieve and everyone of us can do so by participating in bottom-up community design initiatives.
At the beginning, not a lot of people noticed the seating. A parent felt skeptical about the sturdiness of the paper-made bench and told her child not to sit on it. This did not discourage us as we understand that our event is experimental in nature. To attract people to the bench, we moved the bench to an area that is more visible and wrote “Are you tired? Come take a seat! It’s usable~” on it. We also noticed the shelter was not as necessary as people would rather stay away from the sun than to sit under the heat.
4. 總結: 快閃遊樂場
- 公共空間的共同想象
Conclusion: Pop-up Play Lab - Co-Imagination of Public Open Space
在紅磡碼頭附近的舊巴士總站的例子中,從小朋友對閒置空間的創意運用,我們觀察到該社區缺乏的是一些可踩單車、滾軸溜冰及遛狗的動態康樂用地。通過該實驗,我們進一步探索到該公共空間的更多可能性 - 提供予照顧者的有蓋座位、提供予小朋友的創意玩樂設施。
然而不同社區需要的設施往往不盡相同。因此,我們可以通過設計和引入不同的快閃遊樂裝置和其他設施,以測試出不同社群最需要和設施。通過觀察用家如何使用這些快閃裝置,設計者亦可能取得新靈感和想法 - 就正如在這次實驗中,我們觀察到小朋友拆開紙板座椅,並將其轉變成一個新的玩樂裝置。
Upon relocation of the open-air bus terminus adjacent to the Hung Hom Ferry Pier in 2019, the site where our experiment took place has been naturally transformed to a “children playground” despite that no conventional play equipment is provided. The children creatively turn the bus bays to racing tracks for cycling and rollerskating, which demonstrates how the users appropriate the use of space by themselves. We believe that users themselves are who know the best of their needs. Therefore, in planning and designing the uses of public open space, allowing and encouraging the participation of the actual users is of crucial importance to understand their expected future uses.
The incremental approach adopted by the Government in recent years provides an opportunity to encourage participation of users in collaboratively exploring the appropriate future facilities and design of the space. Take the open-air bus terminus near Hung Hom Ferry Pier as an example, the site has been planned as a new urban park in 2019 after the relocation of the bus terminus while the design of the new urban park takes more than two years to finalize. It is good that the site is open for public enjoyment during these two years under the incremental approach, but is there anything we can do further to make better interim use of the space?
Just like the example of the old bus terminus near Hung Hom Ferry Pier, we understand what facilities are in lack of and what people are expecting through the current creative uses - active recreation space for cycling, skating and dog-walking. We explore more possible uses of the space through the experiments - sitting-out area with shelters for care-givers, flexible play facilities for children.
While the much-needed facilities for different neighbourhoods are never homogeneous. Therefore, experiments in the form of pop-up play equipment and ancillary facilities could be a possible way to test out the most wanted facilities for the space by the users. The park designers might also gain inspirations on the possible uses which are beyond our imagination - just like the paper bench being uninstalled by children and turned into a brand new play equipment in our experiment. Introduction of pop-up play facilities not only enable more flexible uses and provide more interesting experience for the users on the vacant site, but also helps to determine the final design through co-creation and co-imagination of the space with the communities.
HKIP Young Planners Group (YPG)
Acknowledgement 鳴謝
Kay Chan Wan Ki
The Warehouse Teenage Club
Department of Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong
Armor Chui